Wednesday 27 April 2011

Ways to Classify Blogs

Undeniably, blogosphere is always at constant growth. With an approximately of 175, 000 blog posts being posted daily (Khandelwal n.d.), you can really expect a wide range of topics that were being discussed in the blogosphere. At such, classification of blogs is essential and useful for readers to search for blogs that are within their interest, without the need of going through each blogs that are available in the blogosphere.

Over the years, professionals have been trying to classify blogs into its respective categories. However, up until today, there are no exact and accurate ways to organize such blogs as most blogs incorporates a combination of styles. One of the basic ways to classify blogs in based on their subject of interest, such as food, politics, and sports.

Simons (2008) have made an attempt to invent new vocabularies to categorize blogs into its respective categories. Some of the terms that were proposed by her includes:
  1. The Pamphleteering Blog
  2. The Digest Blog
  3. The Advocacy Blog
  4. The Popular Mechanics Blog
  5. The Exhibition Blog
  6. The Gatewatcher Blog
  7. The Diary
  8. The Advertisement
  9. The News Blog
Comparing with WordPress (n.d.), which is one of the well-known open source blog tool and publishing platform, blogs can be categorized into several categories based on its purposes, such as:
  1. Personal
  2. Business
  3. Schools
  4. Non-profits
  5. Politics
  6. Military
  7. Private
  8. Sports
  9. How-to, tips and reviews
By comparing both classification of blogs proposed above, Simons (2008) classification of blogs seems to be more interesting as such new vocabularies are new and it will attract the readers’ attention. At such, it will further lead in arousing the curiosity among the readers. Consequently, readers will put in extra efforts to look into such categories to see what such categories are all about.


Khandelwal, H n.d., Blog Categorization, viewed 26th April 2011, <>.

WordPress n.d., Types of Blogs, viewed 26th April 2011, <>.

Simons, M 2008, Towards a taxonomy of blogs, viewed 26th April 2011, <>.

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