Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Blogging Communities

Blogs also creates another dimension for the society through the creation of blogging communities, which can be defined as a platform for individuals that share similar interests to connect and exchange ideas through the usage of blogs (Owyang 2007).

A blogging community can be created by including comment tabs, integrating RSS-feeds, listing blogs in directories, as well as including blog tags (Kinkeldei 2007). Additionally, interactive elements such as weekly polls and quizzes can also help in creating a blogging community (Rowse 2009). 

According to White (2006), there are three types of blogging communities; One Blog Centric Community, Topic Centric Community and Boundaried Community. In the interest of Boundaried Community, this blogging community includes a collection of blogs and blog readers within a particular site (White 2006) (refer to image below).

(Image source : White 2006)

An example of such blogging community is Share Your Story, which is a site for parents with prematurely born babies and babies that are under the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to share their experiences and supports among each others (Share Your Story 2011).

(Image source : Share Your Story 2011)

The blogs actually acts as a whole ecosystem for the members as internal communication pathways, such as community chats and live chats are available for the members to communicate among themselves. 

Additionally, the site also incorporates a discussion board, which is known as the "Parent to Parent" section. Furthermore, as the community members are within a defined boundary, they are also able to have free access to other members' blogs. Hence, RSS-feeds are being less emphasized within this community.

Share Your Story also exercised power of control of the site by imposing several rules and regulations, as well as guidelines in posting among the community members. As for the community members, they have the power to monitor the comments that are being posted on their blogs, as well as the power to decide their preferred posting habits.


Kinkeldei, B 2007, Whitepaper Blog Communities: Forging Connections and Promoting Growth Through Blog Communities, viewed 26th April 2011, <>. 

Owyang, J 2007, Defining the term: Online Community”, viewed 26th April 2011, <>.

Rowse, D 2009, 8 Tips for Building Community on Your Blog, viewed 26th April 2011, <>. 

Share Your Story 2011, About Share Your Story…, viewed 26th April 2011, <>.

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